Friday, May 31, 2013

Feeling Pain

Sometimes you just have to talk about what is bothering you and today is just that type of day where all I feel is purely pain in my head and body from some mystery reason. I know I am not a winer or someone to complain to much about a lot of things but today really makes me pissed off with feeling like my brain and body are being corrupted with pain and feeling like my whole body is being beaten up on today.  Pain has a way of making the worst come out in me by hating this whatever is doing it as I assume it is a infection of some kind probably that started in my tooth or from some other source. I just thought I would write a note letting people know that I am still trying to get my health back to 100 percent which I though had happened early this morning when I woke up to feeling a wellness feeling for the first time in 2 weeks and then within a out 2 hours it was gone again to be replaced by this bad thing  again.. I am going through a bad time with this mystery cause of the pain and suffering but I am trying to be a fighter to hopefully end this problem permanently sooner. the bad thing about this problem is that once I think I have gotten rid of this nasty thing it finds a way back with my body again causing pain and suffering, so I have tried so far many things to rid myself of it to limited success.. I am totally greatly concerned about this hidden menace that keeps me feeling like my days of good health are gone which really sucks for me! THIS THING HAS AND CONTINUES TO RUIN MY HEALTH AND THE QUALITY OF MY LIFE WHICH REALLY IS AWFUL! I went to the hospital emergency room two days ago only for them to do a battery of tests and cat scan only for them to tell me that officially they find that my thyroid is the only issue that I have and nothing else. I don't feel like nothing else all I feel is the constant assault of something that makes me hate what it is and need it to be dead permanently sooner so I get my health returned back to normal.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Blogging Fun..

I am one who has to admit to enjoying blogging like most other online people but their is a twist in it for me as it gives me a creative outlet to express my views. I suppose that other might not understand how writing might be a meaningful experience for me which actually is more of a therapy for a mind that is filled with ideas. My writing  for a newspaper,magazines,blogs and my own journalistic ventures of print and electronic media has really proven to be a good thing to expand my creative talents I can admittedly feel the the snickering of many online users behind their screens saying ya right he is just telling me what everyone already knows in a digital age. The truth be known blogging has become more popular because it is a universal medium that shares ideas better I think than the printed kind like newspapers and magazines. Yes, their definitely is a place for printed journalism that still hits the a mainstream market of both non digital and electronic users which fills a important gap in the spectrum of media in the modern age. You have to be involved in the process of creating content that is both interesting and informative that everyone wants to read for a specific audience so that you keep readers interested. The aspect of blogging just allows a really interesting freestyle of writing where anyone can can create content about any subject and your don't have to be a a good writer to join in doing this online media forum.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Health Problems Return

I thought that I got rid of all the health problems that I had but as of yesterday I am feeling the worst I have ever have in 44 years of life on earth. I figure that I must have touched something very bad in the last 2 days that has done this to me. I don't understand all the buzzing feelings along with other internal strange feelings that make me really feeling scared of what this virus is doing to me.

Friday, May 24, 2013


Well, I have been strangely absent here on blogger for a reason in that I have spent 5 weeks in the hospital for health problems which initially got fixed only for new ones to spring up now. The problem is that by going to the hospital I now have several complications from something which this place did to me so I am not a happy camper. I basically got screwed by the doctors here at this hospital which now causes my life to be worse off in most ways instead of better off having gone to this place. I never should have gone to this place but instead gone to another hospital instead which would have been the right thing to do as hindsight is 100 percent now looking at all of it.I wonder what is bothering me and what the strange feelings going on today as to what it all means for my life here on earth. Anyway I hope to get well from whatever is bothering me sooner so I can go back to being my happy good healthy self writing and doing all the things I need to do. I have lost 5 weeks of my life being in a hospital which is very isolating feeling to me since I am not used to staring at the four walls and being bored out of my mind constantly which is what has happened for all the 5 weeks being in this place. The first 2 weeks were for a good medical purpose to fix my urinary tract infection but the other 3 to 4 weeks I feel is just been a complete waste of my time and energy being stuck in a hospital bed and a room with basically nobody interesting to talk to with some few exceptions.

Take care everyone,

John Norton