Sunday, December 16, 2018


Well I just finished my PHD lecture class on Phylogenetic Philosophy so I have on my mind to talk about a few awards I've been given in my lifetime that mean a lot to me. The National Freedom award given to me by President @@BaracKObama is for good governance & long career service in the White House is special to me.  I'll never forget what it's like to be nominated for the Freedom Award and have my President boss give me the award in a private ceremony in the @WhiteHouse which remains special to me for a lifetime. I've given many variety of civilian and military awards in my lifetime so everyone of them given to me is important. The most spectacular award given to me is the Nobel Prize for Peace which I was officially nominated and accepted for the award by the Nobel Prize committee. It's one of the most important special awards I've received in my lifetime for promoting global democracy and peace on this entire planet. I've never  had the Nobel Prize put in my hands in person because of my ongoing work schedule in the WhiteHouse so it's a important piece of unfinished thing in my lifetime. I really want to have the award ceremony and the Nobel Prize award put in my hands that I earned while being in the Whitehouse Bush Administration. Unfortunately I've never received this very important award trophy and document paper in person when leaves me with a empty hole feeling not having it. I hope someday this problem will be corrected with a Nobel Prize trophy,ceremony and papers put in my hands sooner.
I just wanted to talk about something meaningful to me on this day of Sunday December 16,2018..

Have a great day,
H.E. John F Norton Jr.

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