Monday, February 20, 2017

Abortion Rights

I am thinking today about the issues of abortion,abortion rights,reproductive effects on both sexes men and women. As Secretary General it's part of my job to lead planet earth in the right direction with all the the important issues by finding good solutions to current,future problems,get them accomplished. Let's get started with important information here,since I am a man who doesn't mince words being a leader. I am going to write a lengthy article on the problems mankind is faced with this hot button divisive issues combined with providing hard core facts,programmes data,then add some conclusion to this article on abortion. So,let's start with abortion is the murder of the innocent unborn or days,weeks old infant by gruesome medical procedure. Their are two types of medical doctor assisted (suicide) murder that a lot of doctors,medical staff don't want made public knowledge. Let's start with what is known by the victims (parents) or women involved in this voluntary or in many cases involuntary baby murder by doctors. The first procedure involves cutting the mother open while pregnant and killing the growing embryo or advanced stages fetus through using drugs,medical cutting the innocent fetus to mutilated pieces. This procedure is harmful to the mother while the procedure is being done because of the high risks of internal bleeding and death of both mother,fetus combined. Unfortunately this medical procedure is frequently used with or without the mothers of the fetus consent depending on the doctors,medical team involved. This still is the one primary medical procedure that global destroys the innocent next generation of humanity. The second medical procedure is called by medical doctors,hospitals partial birth abortion. This second grotesque medical procedure involves new born infants up to 8 weeks old being lethal injection of medical grade metalogical combined poisons that kills the innocent new born in minutes. Then the other parts of the procedure involves drilling a large hole in the innocent infants skull and sucking out the brain after making it into scrambled mess with tools. The final part is harvesting the innocent victim new born infants organs and discarding the rest of the body into a medical garbage can which is disposed of the same day. Both medical procedures are usually done without any regard for pain and suffering to both fetus or infant and the mother carrying the child. Global unfortunately a lot of member states on planet earth either allow,encourage both medical procedure or worse provide funding,medical clinics most of them free of payment through medical insurance plans. This allows medical community to profit off doing murder with in some countries laws that protect doctors,medical staff from being locked up,jailed for murder. In some member states on earth it's unfortunately a regular routine medical procedures that the state does in jails included to eliminate over crowding,sometimes the mother is injected against her will included in this assisted medical murder. Our WHO (World Health Organization) numbers of medical forced abortions,medical infanticide are global appalling. The hard number is actually in the billions of innocent lives both fetus,infants that are wrongly murdered by the medical community. Our UNDP ( Development Group) and UNDESA Development Policy,Inventors think tank,numbers analysts put the real figure at 1.7 billion and steadily climbing. This number is based on current analysis of the problem by our programme working on it. Numbers do change due to new data that is being analyzed before a report is issued. As planetary leader it's part of my job to protect innocent life on earth created by God using the resources,authority given to me by both God and planet earth. I stand for everything that God is about doing the best I can to lead this planet for him. This includes promoting freedom,democracy, civil rights,human rights,liberty, protecting innocent life of all current living mankind,new born,fetus included,etc Innocent life I was taught is a gift from God by depression generation parents who believed in the gospels in the Holy Bible. So, when I accepted the nomination and become confirmed Secretary General planetary leader of this entire planet earth I am told its one of my responsibilities to protect this planet in every way I can both for all the time I am elected and my policies,agendas must conform to God the Creator first,second the needs,problems that must be solved,fixed to ensure this planet future is still alive in good health. This is another part of my planet earth mandate to me when this planet unanimously elected me leader for the first term of 12 years with the knowledge and understanding that global earth has reached a decision to offer me a a second term reelection to this job which is lifetime. I see global issue of abortion as murder which needs to be put a permanent end to it,the  destroying the current,future generations of innocent human beings which will eventually kill the entire human race by our own hand. It's not as some call it population control by medical community and science because it's got huge consequences for the future of both mankind and animals on this planet. Why? Mankind and animals are being subjected to the same medical procedures that are global destroying life on earth. I hope that by my leading this planet I know I sometimes walk a tight rope with certain problems particular how to fix the terrorism issues that effect billions of lives combined with other deep issues that are problematic to this planet. My point is being planetary leader making decisions that effect this entire planet isn't easy but they still have to be made to (Create A Better Planet Earth)

H.E. UN Secretary General
John F Norton Jr.

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