Saturday, February 4, 2017

Global Education

Well,like every day I wake up with my mind buzzing around with global issues,problems,solutions,agenda. Today is no different in that aspect however,I have to put on this blog important details about education. I center this morning on education because it's a focus in a lot of public policy decisions people are hearing about on the evening news. Since it's such a hot button issue,I thought that I would address it from the standpoint of being leader of global government. So,how does education global effect people? Good Question Right... I'll start with a preliminary overview in article,then get into the meat,potatoes of public policy. I will show my readers the global impact that education has on people and of course on the workplace. I'll throw in some important data from our UNDESA,UNDP (UN Development Group) numbers to show my readers factors involved in education. I'll finish it with a summation,conclusion with opinion mixed into it. I'll do my best not to make it a legal brief or legal argument because I am a lawyer/prosecutor in the court systems. I pause to sip my tea here early this morning beginning to write this article.  Humm.. Let's get started with the fact that is simple knowledge,every man,women,child needs education from the time they are born to earth. Second thought of importance is that no matter how old you are even if your 120,you still need to stay actively learning something new. Why? Our biology is wired by God our Creator to need education,training our entire lifespan. Have you ever run into someone who says to you my family member got alzheimers or dementia and experience first hand how frustrated the person is with it that their learning ability has either slower or stopped completely. Sure everyone in life met at least one unfortunate person who is in this category,felt sorry for the loss of memory,learning ability. 1. It makes you really realize that I don't want to be that way. 2. The overall value of keeping your mind working by education,training it so you don't become a stale prune like my Granny used to tell me. I reference my father in some things he said about education which is a good continued education,training will last you a lifetime. My father at age 70 could recite things from encyclopedia facts,draw complex diagrams,plus more that completely amazed people with PHD who were supposed to be experts. My father always kept a secret to his success mostly to himself which is he hated boredom,devoured knowledge in all subjects of college studies. That is why at age 60,70 and beyond his mind was frequently compared to a quantum computer. He used to hammer at me son,Education Education Education,it is what's makes or breaks a person in life. The ones who have education,training are the ones who will,are a life success,the ones that don't have it are left behind. One of the government education programs I started in the White House with my President boss is No Child Left Behind. It's based on ideas that both my depression generation parents taught me about the value education. Ever child deserves to grow up with a opportunity to have a good education that will make their lives become successful. The second part of it is that no child should be forced to go without a basic education no matter race,color,creed,rich or poor. I remember when I first talked about the ideas of the high value of a child's mind in the White House. I said in a several cabinet meetings that no child should lose out on the most important thing in a child development which is a basic education. I coined the phrase that stuck in the Presidents mind "No Child Left Behind" for the future of all children in America. If you give a child education I said,your giving that child a good head start on their future which will eventually translate into them going to college. Without a education that child hasn't got the necessary skills to make a productive life. Further more that same child will grow up in a cycle of abuse,violence,jail,live the rest of their lives in abject dire poverty. This is the difference between education and no education in either public or private schools. I going add a little of my experience here to this article by saying that my parents shared with me the awful difference between those who got a basic education,went to college and graduated with a college degree. They impressed on me that it doesn't matter whether you like,love or hate school,college it's something you have to have to achieve anything in this life. I remember my father saying to me that he had seen the effects where he grew up in New York State in the depression of those with a college education. They all had homes with their family that they lived with in modest comforts compared to all the poor people who walked down the street with no education in Buffalo carrying a tin cup,singing,going door to door begging "Lady can you spare a penny or a dime,so I can buy a hard roll to feed my family?" This really sunk in the importance of getting a basic education combined with graduate college with a degree. Now I'll switch focus here to some hard facts with our UN development group (UNDP) so that you see additional support in my article. The global rate of children in undeveloped,develop countries combined is at last count 1.3 billion who live below the poverty line mostly linked to lacking in basic education skills such as reading,writing,arithmetic,science,sociology. Currently in most undeveloped countries the levels of education with functional skills is very low. Obviously the numbers get better in develop countries with a emphasis on basic,secondary college,graduate school education. The overall numbers are different in develop nations with 990 million in adolescent age that are non functional illiteracy,lacking basic education skills. These are just a few hard numbers from our UNDP development group that shows on a chart how children are performing in schools systems in both a broken down as global,regional,community based charts. When you can first see it in a global view,then break it down into smaller pieces,your easily able to chart it. From that charts data you can make some core decision,then put it in flow chart,complete the process with a planagram. The planagram can be used as a corner stone of your education model first,then from it you create public policy to improved schools,college teacher certification program,classroom student attendance and participation. Creating public policy that is a common sense approach to be used in academic program is always a challenge. When you create education policy that either is a existing program or your creating new program that has never been tried their is a lot of different things involved in it. More precisely the fact that both policy,program have to meet a minimum standard for community based education. You have to factor in the levels of standards your settings for teacher,professors to adhere to in the schools,colleges. I am a firm belief in proper regulatory control that requires elevated standardize testing for both teachers,college professors. What's that mean for the faculty to do this in schools,universities? It requires teachers and college professors to be certified and recertification every two or four years depending on the levels of education being taught. By doing this it raises the standard that teachers,faculty,college professors must show proof ongoing while they teach their students. You get better quality of teachers,college professors teaching every subject in both school systems,colleges,universities. The end result is you raised the quality of education meanwhile students testing scores have jumped up by about 50% in all levels of education from first grade to last year of graduate school level. Many case studies points to the fact that in public schools,private schools,colleges when you enforce this kind of mandatory recertification you reduce the overall student drop out rates. You increase overall student class participation combination with more students graduate successfully from high school,college,post secondary education which is graduate schools. To answer the nagging questions of how do you fix our schools,colleges from turning out people who don't have basic,secondary education with usable skills? Their is another added policy that I created in the White House in the Bush administration that I think is effective as a solution to this problem. I changed the old ways of teaching secular humanism to a new program that teaches" God is First,Constitution is Second. Third Your Family" You see when you take God,Constitution,Family,American Flag our of our of schools,colleges kids lose their ideas of self worth,eventually lose their identity. So I developed a new program in the public sector that after a lot of bickering,negotiations finally passed Congress,it was quickly signed into law by President Bush. So it was called Education First a new idea that hadn't been tried in America. It has simple principles that are easily able to implement which teaches. 1. the value of hard work, 2. learning all your subjects in both school,college,graduate with a college degree. 3. It teaches you to appreciate the values of liberty,democracy,freedom 4. It teaches you to become a successful man or women in school,work and home. By putting this simple project in schools,colleges the current youth,future generations won't be lost in shuttle of laziness,lack of usable skills for employers to hire in the workplace. Finally the revolving doors of youth  crimes,youth incarnations would be severely reduced because kids would be able to function in society. Currently a larger majority of youth on earth get into violent crime because they have limited or no education,no marketable job skills which keeps governments building more jails to house youth offenders. You have to change education system,improve people lives,future.

H.E. UN Secretary General
John Norton

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