Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day

I'm addressing the importance of Global Memorial Day which is honoring all the military service members who have fought and yes even died for the global causes of liberty,freedom,monarchy,democracy. I've published a YouTube video global address to mankind on this planet to let people know about the great impact of all the billions of people who've served in military with honor,courage,valor.  It's due to all military people who've given their service contribution to this planet freedom,liberty,security,peace is why multitudes of billions of humanity enjoy all the benefits of freedom,liberty,peace. Today we honor all those military service members who given the ultimate sacrifice of their lives so that we can have  freedom,liberty. Without the contributions of all the millions of these military heroes our planet would be total slavery,tyranny,dictatorship that would destroy this entire planet we all call earth. On this day of remembrance of Memorial Day we think of all the heroes in our family that is multiple generations of military service. I've been witness to multitude of military funerals in my decades as public governments leadership when everyone of them is just as painful to be present trying to explain to the families of military service personnel why their loved one died while the family is sobbing in front of you. You want to take their pain away with some instant medicine potion but sometimes even just hugging the family members is the only thing that help the families deal with their grief. I'm a military commanding officer being Captain in the Army that seen more than my share of the consequences of my buddies in my Tier 1 CAG Delta Black Team being killed in military operations we were involved in doing the jobs in a variety of filthy sinkholes on this planet. This day always tough for me because I think of my former team members who unfortunately some never came back alive and we had to have a corman retrieve them,bringing them back to medivac unit to be analyzed,tagged prepared to be sent home to Dover Air Force Base mortuary. I think of a lot of my own Royal Family of United Kingdom who fought,died for freedom,liberty in World War One,World War Two,Korea,Vietnam,Afghanistan,and Iraq in ground war of Operation Desert Storm.. I think about my great uncle Chester Sidel who was Marines in Guadalcanal,Borneo,Battan,Coregidor,Iwo Jima who is only one of four men to survive the Japanese Battan death march. He earned a congressional medal of honor for his extraordinary military service for running up a hill on Iwo Jima into machine gun turrets being shot at while repeatedly retrieving many wounded fellow Marines. I think of my uncle Major General George P Hodges who was founder of the world first advanced Navy flight training school (Top Gun) with 458 verified combat missions in Korea and  504 verified combat missions in Vietnam. Navy Blue Angels advanced stunt team squadron leader and NASA test pilot in his military career. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross after being shot down in Vietnam and survived being relentless chased by the North Veitkong communists trying to kill him. I think of Duke of Edinburgh William (Bill) Porter who fought in World War Two against Rommel in North Africa and  Japanese in the Philippines who was awarded four silver stars,Africa campaign ribbon,etc. for his heroism single handedly taken out a tank that was killing his buddies. Their is multitude of people in my Royal Family who given their lives in military service for the causes of freedom,liberty,monarchy,democracy. I'm just listing some examples of people here in this post that I'm giving credit to what they achieved in their lives. I want to give credit to my friends in the 101st Screaming Eagles who assisted our Tier 1 CAG Delta Black Team that unfortunately never survived,came home in a military caskets. I will always remember you for the great guys you were in life and miss you all a lot. To all the members my Tier 1 CAG Delta Black Team members that died fighting along side us in various operations, I''ll always remember you for the dedication,courage,valor you gave it your all,everone came home state side American heroes. I could say so much more about what Memorial Day means to me,my Royal Family and the people I served with in the Army but I'm just just going to end my writing here today on a the subject of Memorial Day.

                       SG Leader Norton

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