Sunday, June 3, 2018


Good afternoon,

I'm starting on another topic that really effects billions of people on this planet who live in a variety of different countries.


Their are many precious things on this planet that all of mankind needs and wants yo have as a possession. Freedom is one of the things that doesn't have a precious metals value but it certainly has a profound effects on a person quality,quantity of life. I've talked a lot about the effects of many things on the human condition which is important to deep inspect it. Yes,I'm a doctoral degree kind of guy that continues to think outside the box on all subjects. Well,when you sit and consider how important freedom is in a person life unfortunately most people don't take it seriously the real value until it's being taken away by your worst enemies. It's true in a lot of countries on this planet that freedom is a accepted,practice normal for billions of people. Unfortunately the fact is their is a segment of humanity that doesn't have freedom,liberty due to many factors such as imprisonment,government abuse,dictatorship and even forced slavery. It's often spoken that this planet is unfortunately divided into the haves people who owns everything and the others who are have not people who have little or nothing to their names. The fact is no matter what status you are your freedom and life is something of great value that are things that some awful people want to take away from you permanently. Wether it's a government agency,criminal gang,some deranged strangers that point loaded guns,electric guns at you that talk about how they practice greed,robbery,violence,murder their is unfortunately always some lunatics out their on this planet that are obsessed with doing evil things to you which includes taking your freedom,life away from you. If you've ever in your lifetime having lunatics take your freedom from you because they believe that that their satanic gods that filthy rich and powerful that are untouchable people. You lose your freedom to people that think,practice hell while taking your freedom away from you it gives a new understanding of how mentally,deranged sick a portion of this planet is in this modern age. When you have violent strangers deliberately choose you to do heinous crimes to you because they practice radicalized terrorist Satanism it's really hard trying to understand the corrupt mental state of these people. It's very hard to deal with people who steal your freedom from you,conspire murder while they pour out radicalized terrorist ideology and violent satanism. It's really at this point you understand what slavery is all about and what it means to have your freedom taken from you by enemies that only practice hell things. It's hard to imagine growing up as a small child that one day in your lifetime you would unfortunately meetings with horrible radicalized violent satanism that hates freedom. The outward appearance of people such as what I'm talking about is they different with tattoos of hell and violent death on their bodies. When you lose your freedom against your will to strangers that practice hell it certainly makes you a different person after getting away from them. You really sit thinking about the overall great importance of freedom and life is over a lifetime. Your freedom and life become more important after having a unfortunate experience of being tortured,abused,many heinous things done to you because you're christianity,don't hat trillions of dollars in a bank account. Freedom takes on a whole new important meaning when you're facing violent enemies that practice brutal slavery,punishment,greed,radicalized militant satanism. Well,freedom is actually very precious in a person life because it's the ability to choose your own everything,ways of doing things which makes the value much higher..
Well,that is my final thoughts of today on Sunday..

                              SG Leader Norton

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