Sunday, June 17, 2018

Richards Big Shoe

I've decided today to write more about what's happened and continued happening in my life because of my enemies 3-23 Satanic Church Terrorists Death Cult. I'm going to focus more on the mindset of this filthy rich cult and what they do to families,people that this cult thinks is their opposition. I feel it's therapy to write on this blog my personal experiences and my Royal Family experiences with unfortunately having to deal with this ugly monsters that are planet menaces of 3-2-3 Satanic Church Cult. I've written some general stuff over the years periodically about the brutality,multitude of murder contracts,violence,extortion,robbery,extracting DNA samples,spinal fluid samples and this is just some of the things that Satanic Church Terrorists Death Cult Founders Richard Bzdyra,(Weasel) Victor Gluckin,Adam Leevy have continued doing to me and other Royal Family members. I've been strapped to a bed and lethal injected 7 times in Rhode Island,New York State,Florida directed by their GOD Richard Bzdyra since being nominated Vice President and nominated,elected United Nations Secretary General. Today I'm breaking more of my silence on what this filthy cult has continued doing to me and my Royal Family. You see this death cult has a global membership and everyone one of them is a illegal habitual drugs addicted criminal that do violence,heinous crimes,murder to anyone opposed to Richard Bzdyra. I've been told multiple times that Richard Big Shoe is going to walk all over you and your entire Royal Family of United Kingdom which some of them are relatives in. America. Richard going to stamp down on all you and wave his warlock wand your all going to disappear permanently forever. " Yeah we already bought you and all your Royal Family members a very nice resting places to put all your dead bodies. By the way you and all your Royal Family are going to love your new accommodations with your caskets we've generously bought to put all of you in it." Get off this planet you miserable filthy Christian Royalty or Richard Bzdyra going to be tearing off pieces of all your carcasses and we're going to all sit down to a huge banquet feast with all of you Rotten Royalty as the main course for our dinner." "Richard is a God and your God that one you call the Creator is a F ing joke because he doesn't exist anywhere on this planet your father God is a figment of your twisted amigination,you and all your Royal Family are all mentally sick,deranged people." Yeah we have created new mental health records to prove that you and all your Royal Family are mentally sick,incompetent and totally deranged . Your all going to be in a mental wards of the state where we are putting you and all your Royal Family you won't be able to harm other people in the outside world under close heavily medicated supervision in a state mental wards." We are going to get a legal guardianship over you and all your Royal Family and go to court and have all your financial,physical assets permanently taken from you and all your Royal Family." Richard Bzdyra,Victor Gluckin,Adam Leevy have continued to robbery,extracting our financial assets,physical assets,extortion,using police violence,attempting murder,robbery,illegal criminal charges and convictions from police,judges,lawyers,etc who are Satanic Church Cult members. It's important for global mankind to understand I'm very fortunate to still be living and same thing with all my Royal Family. I wake up every day thanking the Creator I'm still alive and my Royal Family is still living because of this planet menace targeting all of us. I'll tell you 3-2-3 Cult has a mass robbery,extortion,mind control program and mass genocide plans for total extermination of all Royalty on this entire planet. You want to know something else this cult really believe that they will succeed at stealing all the financial,physical assets of every Royal on this planet with Richard Bzdyra their super rich God who  has more money than all the Arab Sheikhs of OPEC Petroleum Consortium is going to brutally rule this entire planet as the new Hitler Supreme Furier dictator of Earth with a big reveal he's going to show all his vast power to the world." This cult concentration is on power,riches,greed,robbery,murder,harsh punishment,harsh compliance. They think Nazi Antonio Guteress of the United Nations is a Demi God who will give them vast power,control,financial riches,mass extermination in death camps of all Christians,Jews,all other races,religions that are on their way to the promise land. Richard Big Shoe is going to stamp out all of humans and animals that aren't members of the Global Satanic Church Terrorists Death Cult. This is some of how this cult thinks and its brutal activities that is being swept under the rug..This cult thinks it's got No Opposition and it can do anything it wants to do to anyone on this planet and its doing it unfortunately for the victims who suffer and are dying from this Satanic Church Cult..

               SG Leader

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