Sunday, October 16, 2016

Global Terrorism

Well,I think I will talk about global terrorism with a keen insight into what are the causes that make these groups very dangerous to national security,global security and peace. So,start with the basics here from my prospective being with several American government agencies such as USDOJ Department of Justice,CIA,NSA,State Department and. executive branch-The White House including the United Nations. I will begin to show my global readers what I think about controlling,eradication of global terrorism,radical militants,why I think this fight for democracy is worth the investment in the future of earth. Now for some background on who I am in government,I am former Director of Intelligence now known as National Director of Intelligence since President Obama changed the destination of title, I was head of the largest spy agency on earth which is what the Central Intelligence Agency which is to current date. I formerly worked for the National Security Agency as a global analyst both security and policy on domestic issues and foreign government problems. I was also a Federal Police officer with Federal Police Agency which does border security,investigation and provides critical security with maximum security government,ship container ports,defense department locations nationally. I am former with the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) as Special Agent (Lead) in criminal division where my jobs where 1. VOCRU (Violent Organized Crime and Racketeering Unit) spying on,busting Mobsters (Mafia),Organized Criminal Organizations,Drug Cartels,Satanic Death Cults,Terror Groups etc. 2. (VGU) Violent Gang Unit) spying on,busting violent street gangs members,violent career criminals,KKK Ki Klux Klan members,violent radical supremacist groups,etc. 3. FBI Special Operations-(Swat Operator) spying on,investigation,busting the worst violent offenders,terrorists,gangsters,doing crisis management,hostage negotiations,harsh interrogation,military style special tactical use of force,etc anything to get the mission completed. I was in the US Attorney General office where my job was as a Federal Prosecutor to prosecute Mobsters,Gangsters,Criminal Gangs,Drug Cartels,Criminal Organizations etc for a variety of federal crimes. I was in the White House as Director of Intelligence,Cabinet Minister,State Department Diplomat,Foreign Service Officer State Department,variety of White House Cabinet jobs in several administrations,Final job was Senior  Director of Cabinet Operations (Daily Operations Manager) planning,management,control,analysis of White House Cabinet Secretaries,all global American policy,agendas. Example- Made final decision to kill Terror Leader Osama Bin Laden,planned, directed military,CIA mission to corner him,killed him with US military Special Operations Team Six in Pakistan took 6years to find him,finish the job that ended Al Qaeda leader rain of brutal terror,also killed other terror leaders from various different groups. When 911 despicable terror act happened with the World Trade Center bombing I planned coordinated,directed,completed the President verbal directive to get revenge,take down,destroy all who are globally responsible for 911 terror attack, while I was in the White House. When I was Director of Cabinet Operations in Obama administration I plan from beginning  to final military objective completed have both captured,killed lots of terror leaders of various global terror groups with precision expanding success. I created a global opposition through diplomatic negotiations,military useage of threats,force,empowered opposition groups,global coalition of nations to fight to all these terror groups,Satanic death cult,radical militant groups with huge success against all of them. I was the key White House senior leader that coordinated,planned,directed all defense and offensive strategy against American enemies with the Pentagon,Military Joint Chiefs of Staff,US Department of Justice,US Department of State,US Intelligence Agencies-NSA,CIA,DIA,all government agencies. The President reviewed the plan and signed the Executive Order to destroy these groups approving my beginning plans to final completion. We know how these groups are funded,where the funding coming from,combined with a global list of supporters,donors,list of names globally who are terror cult leaders,organizations founders. We have been,still continue to dismantling these radical militant groups piece by piece with huge precision accuracy winning success against them. I have in the White House,now in the United Nations used the police,criminal courts,justices,spy agencies,military to smackdown these these terror groups,satanic death cults,variety of satanic radical militant groups,terror groups by satanic church,militant religious fanatics mostly Islamic but other factions included. I have continued to promote both democracy,freedom and religion based on democracy and freedom while putting teeth in the justice system,military to go after these militant groups that are a huge threat to the continued global peace,security,overall stability of both mankind and earth itself. You have to be firm with your position in dealing with these militant groups as I learned from my much loved President George Bush Sr. boss who said " You got to be firm in usage,promoting America position we have zero tolerance for satanic death cults,terrorist and any other wacko who thinks he going use his grudge against Americans. You got to take them out before they get to American soil here or we will be unfortunately forced to every American fighting them in the streets which we definitely want to avoid that happening here in our country." I learned a lot from a heavily decorated US Navy combat pilot and war hero of World War Two about what is important to the freedom of a nation from a man who fought for it in a Navy pilot seat which George Bush Sr did do. He once told me " You know America enemies are afraid of you when a. German plane flying past you salutes you instead of blowing your butt of with guns. You quickly learn from a combat pilot seat to quickly,accurately judge your enemies or die it's just that simple." In another conversation he told me "Look young man,I am old timer compared to you young whipper snapper and your boss here so I am going to lecture you about something important from my knowledge and experience. America a great nation built on blood,sweat,guts,work,courage and patriotism never forget the people all who built this nation including the people who lost their lives in war for the fight for global democracy and freedom. These are the real heroes that put you here in the White House to lead America and the world." I reflect on these important statements and lessons from a Presidential boss who has lived in in real life doing everything he can do to make global peace and security a reality for all this planet as President of United States. He is right about how to deal with these wacko militant groups by pushing the American agenda,using America allies to chop these groups apart,combined with our own financial,military and government organizations to invade them,rip them apart. I have used a lot of my former President Bush Sr and yes Bush Jr. knowledge,wisdom to great advantage against America enemies in the world including terror groups,satanic cults etc. The world has to come to a new policy position that terrorism,satanic church,satanic death cults and wacko militant groups that are openly and secretly trying to destroy this planet earth are going to be harshly treated,subject to a variety of governments and agencies going after them to put them out of business. I said to the UN representative in person recently who wanted to talk to me privately "I know your concerned about my position,so I will answer your questions. My answer is you got to get busy with a development plan to chop these militant groups up meanwhile promoting the global peace process. "It's going to be difficult to walk a tight rope for the betterment of planet earth but you got to do both or we will have a uphill road getting anything accomplished at all on earth." This remains my position dealing with global terrorism by being straight forward with plans and action you can put them out of business globally.

Have Blessed Day,
Hon. John F Norton Jr.

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