Monday, March 24, 2014

Crowd Sourcing Travel

I know that usually i am writing about some fantastic food or place i have visited. Well i got to thinking this early Monday morning most people don't know what crowd sourcing is as it applies to them when your trying to travel to some far away place. Actually crowd sourcing been around a long time but it's not really well known until the past decade where it's become popular to mostly technology infrastructure of people who are using it. Quite simplified it the art of using your peers to find a better deal on travel packages based on their experience. This works very well for most people who are business minded but the average person knows nothing about it. I have to admit that I've used it a lot in my.lifetime principally because of being in multiple businesses. Yes it really works to further your profit margins while keeping your travel costs low. If your a regular traveler like me lifetime  who either travels on business or your just doing for pleasure you can benefit from crowd sources online and in person. The factor is that with so much options to choose from to get to your destination you do need help to make a informed choice for a travel provider..i know that sometimes you get good advice from friends but if your traveling to a new place that you know nothing about your better consulting a travel agency like AAA to find the best deals. Sometimes your lucky doing it on your own finding good deals mostly online but if you make a mistake your going to eventually wish you signed up.with a travel agency. Most people think that tracking rates on travel packages can get you a better and cheaper package but that is not always true.. The reality is their are hidden fees that can make your travel package more expensive and limited in what you can do. Definitely if you used crowd sources you would have most likely avoided all those fees and extra cost in a travel package.. So the next time you are shopping for a travel package to go to a specific destination consider what i have written here..

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