Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Vegan. .

If you really read this blog enough you know that i tend to be excited about food and travels to places that other people wouldn't normally think of doing in their life..  That is until i decided to try vegan foods which do take some kind of adjusting to the taste of it. I think that if you go with eating natural food instead of junk food laced with chemicals that have names you cannot even spell. I remember recently a dietician saying to me that if i want to live long life then cut out smoking,drinking alcohol and all prepared junk food. I nearly choked on that with visions of all my favorite drinks and food that i could no longer have like Twinkies and top round steaks.. i am telling you i had to tell myself everything is going to be alright but in truth i wasn't fine with giving up on foods that my parents brought me up with eating and drinking.. Well i thought this lady has a point about living longer so i guess i give it a try since i haven't exactly mastered keeping my health up recently. After trying some of the wide variety of foods that are available i have to admit it tastes really good. I know that i should have done this decades ago so i wouldn't have the health problems i have today. I guess that old saying is true your only ignorance is when your refusing to try something that will help you become a better person. I have tried being vegan for about 6 months now with really amazing results. I notice significant changes in how i feel overall better than prior decades when i exceed probably my limits on junk foods. I know that if i done my eating habits different back then in my teens and beyond i wouldn't have done the massive amount of chemicals from bad foods that leads to health problems later on in life.. Yes that's something i cannot change is all the junk food i consumed in the early years of my life due to both parents who were fast food and gargantuan junk food addicts that got me to to eat poorly.. i do remember one thing that my mother used to say from her archives of wisdom life is very precious so you need to protect yourself.. I can say that now being older age 40 something i do agree with that statement but laugh at her because she had the absurdity of preaching things. I remember that  she would guzzle fast food and all kinds of junk food that made her ultimately very fat with chronic edema including other health problems she hid for decades from everyone.. i hope that this decade i have wisely changed lots of things so i wouldn't end up being fat and lazy like my mother was into her older age.. I seen a friends father who has lived so far to about eighty but due to his excess with junk foods now he weighs probably four hundred pounds and his son is following in his father's footsteps being a total blimp.. You don't live long life with making excuses for sitting on your butt with overeating junk food until your a blotted blimp not exercising. I just have to point to my own family and a couple friends to see the overall effects of poor eating and no exercise habits.. The truth is that it eventually kills you if you don't wake up to what your doing wrong. That's the sad truth of mostly everyone in America who work in a office and then go home after work click on goes the television and then sit eating ice cream.. Every good doctor will tell you it's your life so it's up to you to get up off the couch and put away permanently the junk food to live a better long life. I totally agree so now i am really trying to undo all the years of damage I've done to myself by eating junk food diet. I really hope to achieve my new goals of better health combined with a severe increase in my longevity on earth..

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