Saturday, September 24, 2016

Global Peace

This morning I have started my day with a usual mirage of things to think about and more items to do. After this weeks High Level Meeting at the UN General Assembly we heard a large variety of voices talk about global problems and finding solutions to fixing everything from climate,economy to ongoing civil wars on earth. I sit watching World Leaders one by one talk about how to change fundamental problems while adding new layers of government programs to make these charges. We did make significant progress on Monday with the Refugees and Migrants Summit toward useage of practical solutions that solve current refugee and migrant issues. Then we got 30 countries to sign on the Paris Climate change change agreement which will put an end to indiscriminate use of fossil fuels,control factory pollution. I do think that the Paris Climate agreement will help with another step in the right direction toward a clean earth environment. It's however not going to solve everything like what certain people are pitching as to global earth. It's not really realistic that one agreement going to magically cure all the devastation and destroyed ecosystems overnight. I am very knowledgeable about the overall problems that this planet faces due to long term abuses of it's air,water,atmosphere and much more. Simply stated if you start now fixing even some of the overall problems its going to take at least two generations of mankind to see all the benefits because of the severity of global abuses of this planet based on current global charts data. It's like the Peace Process on global earth,you have to be really realistic in your approach to it a government leader. You can protect earth the best you can BUT the truth is global peace on earth with all of mankind on all the earth isn't going to happen in our current generations of living people nor will it happen without a huge price to all of mankind to achieve even parts of it. I definitely know what I am talking about when it comes to promoting peace on earth. I remember when I was in the US State Department as a Diplomat how hard it is to get certain countries to sit a the collective bargaining table to negotiate a ceasefire or peace deal it's like pulling teeth to get anything accomplished in certain areas of this planet earth. You got to do baby steps or they start arguing over this word or that piece of hundred foot strip of land. Promotion of peace takes years trying to achieve what to ordinary people seem to think is easy to do. I remember what my old wise friend in the State Department now former US Ambassador Madeline Albright told me. " If you want to make the peace program,process happens you better be prepared to negotiate from a position of economic and military strength or you'll get nowhere in negotiations with certain countries and regimes." I never forget that basis principle when trying to negotiate nuclear arms reduction treaties,GATT global trade agreement,Start Two both sides of it nuclear and non nuclear proliferation agreement,APEC Asian trade agreement,GCC Global Corruption Compact,NAFTA free trade agreement,PLO agreement with Arab neighbors,Arab League Peace Agreement and huge number of intergovernmental and global agreement in my time being in both  the White House and State Department.  Sitting here it's easy to see that current leaders a few certain of them don't understand the fundamental issues and problems this planet has that are dragging it backward. When you talk peace in the Middle East you got to understand it from both sides of the fence our in America and the UN and then it's their sides which is totally fractured difficult different. Trying to get a general consensus on every broad peace agreement is very difficult in the Middle East with so many factions jockeying for control and for their piece of pie and fame. I think back to trying to get Israel to agree to work with the Saudis on a agreement that would give them American defense capabilities. It took two years of negotiations to get both countries to agree just on the agreement framework and that is not even the putting the physical hardware on the ground. What we were trying to do was to put patriot missile batteries in both Israel and Saudi Arabia to stop the SCUD Missiles from destroying both countries meanwhile Saddam Hussein kept launching more SCUDS at both countries. I remember the public outcry from our NATO partners totally shocked at this dictator brazen useage of Russian made SCUDS. I remember what it was like to be on the hot seat by a very angry Congress who literally wanted all our White House heads on a Congress chopping block. Totally not fun when you got Congress busting your chops meanwhile you watch on the global White House video feed as more SCUDS hit Televiv and Duran etc. I recall what General Colin Powell,General Schwartzkoff told us in a ongoing meeting with Rick Cheney present if we don't go all the way to Bagdad now this things going to bring in all the satellite countries in the Middle East and then we gotta broader gargantuan problem. You see as a government leader you see this same kind of thing still happening in the underbelly of Russia which is the Crimean Peninsula. I have dealt with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the phone conference call,video call and face to face and he is a unpredictable flip flop angry impossible person to try getting anything accomplished with on a diplomatic level. You have to keep pushing him knowing from experience he's a snake that will bite you when you least expect it. Putin is just like certain other world leaders they got a bad attitude,they got a short fuse and very straight to the point. You don't give them inches of wiggle room and you keep the pressure on in meetings with them. You have to drive a hard line with people like this who run countries or they won't listen to you and they won't negotiate anything. The same idea with the peace process on this planet,you can get things done but you as a government leader know that sooner or later your going face broken agreements. It's the way this planet is in the modern age with trying to get a ceasefire and peace agreements torrie work. I have fielded many angry frustrations while I worked in the White House ,from people in the White House,Congress,State Department and Pentagon who understand how hard it is to get simple things done with certain countries on this planet. The peace process isn't as simple as outsider (that world) think it is trying to stop about currently 60 civil wars,regional conflicts that are hundreds or even thousands of years old. You have to do the best you can with what you got trying to get a variety of solutions to work with people who grown up killing each other. Recently US ambassador Samantha Brown got into a one on one angry shouting match with. Russian President Vladimir Putin in which she found out what some of old time White House people already know,experience with world leaders. They bring a certain agenda to the table and the first time you don't say something they want to hear,they angrily walk out of the meeting. So this makes bringing a peace agreement to fruition a difficult thing to get accomplished. I thought I would share some of my knowledge and combined executive experience with my blog readers today about the global peace process.

Have Blessed Day,

John F Norton Jr.
HM King of Scotland
The Hon. UN Secretary General

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