Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Paris Climate Agreement

This morning I am thinking over my cup of warm coffee about the pending ratification of the Paris Climate Agreement. So,today I think it's time I speak to what I think of this climate changes agreement for global earth future as the currently elected incoming UN Secretary General. I have a lot of updated current knowledge about climate changes,problems on earth that effects earths,mankind future with great amount of important impact that everyone should be informed about it. First of all I think I am the first Secretary General to have advanced computer,scientific and engineering skills to add to all the other parts of my skills sets that I have as total capability. I know the difference between fada fada Q in a robotic system from say the position and trajectory of earth on a planetary axis with hydrogen,oxygen,carbon density in earth core. Does anyone who is supposed to be my quote unelected Secretary General replacement know what the total spherical density of magma off the top of your head without looking it up in a book or asking someone? No! What about does anyone of the quote Secretary General candidates know anything about climatic modeling and modules theoretical analysis? No! Does anyone know how fast a quantum physical computer does climate data,with critical density,planetary scopes,inspection of atmosphere? No! Do they know how even climate materials function both on earth and atmospheric conditions effect earth? How about does anyone know what the overall structural analysis of the current ozone layers and why,how we have lost them? What's this critical causes of layer depletion in our atmosphere? Can any quote Secretary General candidate quickly answer all these questions without help from anyone? No! Truth is if your going to be planetary of earth you better know engineering,scientist,know critical quantum computer systems functions,history,advanced both computer technologies,robotics engineering,oceanographic knowledge,climate knowledge,advanced Quantum Mechanics (Physics),Geography,Geology (studies of ancient rocks),Archeology (physical studies of ancient civilization on earth) and tons more diverse subjects to be nominated and confirmed UN Secretary General planetary leader of earth. If you don't have what I have you got no business being even nominated for this job to become planetary leader of earth serving YES GOD (CREATOR)! Some might just sit and laugh at what I am saying or say yes right anymore can do this job being Secretary General. Not true because when you talk things that effect a entire planet especially one that your not the owner of it and operator of it. This certainly puts everything into a great focus,prospective about becoming temporary planetary leader of GOD EARTH. When we talk a global climate agreement to change earth present,future basic and advanced functionality of this planet you better know what your talking about with scientific scrutiny and combined analysis. I see the overall problem is very few people in government global leaders positions have little to No technical,scientific knowledge and research done on what and how Paris Climate Agreement going to do to earth. This truly is awful that everyone is just playing their part of following the leader without much of clue as to anything about this agreement does to planet earth. We are all told outside New York City how wonderful this Paris Climate Agreement is going to be for earth. Just walk down any street,go into any restaurant or coffee shop in the morning in different cities and towns asking what is Paris Climate Agreement. Ask people do you know how it effects you,your family? The answers would shock you if you actually listen to what everyone is telling you. I have done this asking people what does it do,what does it mean to you,your family? The general combined answer is well the UN said it's going to help us with our Climate. So how is going to help you and your family? Well I don't know but President Obama and the UN leaders say it's going to help us but beyond that I really don't know anything else. Sorry pal but that is all I know. This is a common example of the average people on earth knowledge about Paris Climate Agreement. Now turn to the wealthy highly educated people who are the brains of earth. Question. . What does Paris Climate Agreement mean to you? Were happy to discuss this climate changes agreement in great details so what do you want to know. How does Paris Climate Agreement effect you,your family? Well. .pause. .. It's going make earth a clean place to live and improve the pollution,smog problems and maybe a couple other benefits. So is that all you know about Paris Climate Agreement? Ya man this is my opinion,I watch the television their all saying how this thing is going to help us,so I guess they must be right. This is a sample of opinions and knowledge as elected UN Secretary General doing my own research have found on the streets of America and global internet online. Quite frankly how can you have a ratified agreement when only a selected few people actually know anything that is in this agreement. I always the one asking the tough questions as a former Federal,cop and Prosecutor in the US Department of Justice as well as White House senior level leadership. Now as of sitting here on Wednesday 60 counties have ratified this Paris Climate Agreement but the ones who are principles in public pushing this have little to no technical knowledge as to how this effects earth. Strange thing that you jump on the band wagon to promote a global agreement as a government leader but when asked about this agreement personal how it effects you and your family the tune,channel changes quickly to I have either NO IDEA or I HAVE TO LEAVE NOW or I DON'T CARE IT'S NOT MY PROBLEM!!! You can't change climate earth with government leaders on this planet who definitely some have this attitude at the top who don't care personal how it's going to effect earth. I have a good plan to for climate changes which I have and continue to drive these beneficial positive environmental,climate changes that have,are making earth a better place for all living things. I don't have to promote a one size one bill or global law that is supposed to be the magic solution to fix all of global planetary earth climate,ecosystems,environmental problems. I have for 27 years in government been and actually continue actively changing earth future in more ways than people think or even give me credit for doing it. You see earth is physically illness isn't going to be solved by one magic Paris Climate Agreement because the systemic problems are definitely deep rooted in earth and you can't,won't fix it overnight with a bandaid. We are at a point in earth time where we as mankind have used up most of earth resources and completely abused this fragile planet called earth. We are in a new millennium World Leader,Members,Delegates of United Nations where we have to get really realistic about this planet we live and breath on daily. We as a human race are guilty of almost completely destructive,destroying this planet God has given us as a home. Truth is if we continue to do our flagrant abuse of this planet earth it one day will become one of two scenarios either not uninhabitable or worse completely cease to exist. This is the current path or call it road we as a living planet are unfortunately direction we are going heading into a downhill slide to the end of earth as a planet. So, what to do to change it? Their are many possible solutions to fixing the system problems that this planet is facing but we have to continue what we already started a long time ago in the Reagan administration with fixing global environmental,ecology,climate,pollution and multiplex planetary changes that will increase the overall increase in this planet health and combined future. Certain people in the UN don't get the picture and the point this planet needs help but no way can this entire planet of more than 10 billion miles in overall diameter be changed with one magic potion called Paris Climate Agreement. It's going to take another couple of generations of both mankind and animals etc evolution to begin seeing,having the benefits that we are making on this enormous size planet. Only when we as the World Leaders and Global United Nations leaders of earth understand that nothing can be changed overnight with earth do we begin to understand how to be temporary  leading this planet for GOD. He is the one and only that owns,controls this planet with no exception to it. When you realize this factor that as planetary leadership of earth your accepting the reality that this earth still has a master which is- ->>God the Creator<<---.. Your a temporary leader of this planet chosen by God to do this job for him and you'll do it Gods way or you'll be kicked out one day without your knowledge in advance until you suddenly find it out in person. So,you want to change billions of years of Gods Creation in a Paris Climate Agreement your not being really truthful with yourself. Yes,you can as a government and government leaders change things for the overall better of earth but in no way are you the final last say and do on what this planet current or future going to be or happen. These are my thoughts based on overall knowledge of both God and Earth.

Have Blessed Day,

John F Norton Jr.

The Hon. UN Secretary General
HM King Scotland
Attorney at Law

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